Associate Professor

XU Xingxiang

2019-07-18  Hits:[]


XU Xingxiang




Associate professor


(1) IP law

(2) Civil and commercial law

(3) Legal English




XU Xingxiang, associate professor, doctor, has a master’s degree in English language and literature from Sichuan University and a doctor’s degree in civil and commercial law from China University of Political Science and Law. His main research fields: civil and commercial law, intellectual property law, WTO legal system. He has published more than 10 academic articles, participated in the preparation and approval of three textbooks, and co-authored the patent monograph in EnglishChina Patent Legal System and Practicewith Professor ZHANG Chu at China University of Political Science and Law, which was published by LexisNexis, a famous US publisher, in June 2010. This book is the first English monograph to introduce China’s patent system and practice to foreign scholars. He participated in the research of one National Philosophy and Social Sciences Fund project, one provincial or ministerial-level philosophy and social sciences fund project, and presided over one enterprise project


At present, he is a researcher at the Intellectual Property Research Center of China University of Political Science and Law, an arbitrator of Chengdu Arbitration Commission, and a member of the Legal Committee of China Association for Promoting Democracy Sichuan Province Committee. He has been a practicing lawyer since 2003, and has served as a legal adviser for many enterprises. He has rich practical experience in handling civil and commercial, intellectual property and foreign-related cases. For example, he participated in the handling of patent for Liptor of Pfizer company, invalid case of commercial method patent of Citibank. He participated in the review (chief reviewer of English contract) of a series of contracts between Sichuan SME Investment Fund Co., Ltd. and a Sichuan International Co., Ltd. on establishing an offshore company and a Sino foreign joint venture company. He is proficient in English to engage in foreign legal services and preside over various meetings.

pre:ZHANG Jing next:CAO Hong
